Biology, asked by Sh123456, 1 year ago

What triggers activation of protoxin to active Bt toxin of bacillus thuringinesis in boll worm


Answered by Anonymous


the activation of protoxin is done by......pH in gut of insects.... the basic pH

Answered by aqibkincsem


Bacillus thuringiensis shapes protein precious stones amid a specific period of their development. These gems contain a poisonous insecticidal protein. These protein exist as inert protoxins yet once a creepy crawly ingest the dormant poison; it is changed over into a functioning type of poison because of antacid pH of the gut which solubilize the gems. The initiated poison ties to the outside of midgut epithelial cells and makes pores that reason cell swelling and lysis and in the end cause demise of creepy crawly.

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