what type of heterotrophic nutrition is seen in human beings?explain hiterotrophic in human being
Here is your answer..
The three main types of heterotrophic nutrition are.
1. Holozoic nutrition: the word holozoic is made from two words- holo= whole and zoikos= animals and literally means animals which eat their food whole. ...
2. Saprobiontic/saprotrophic nutrition: Organisms feed on dead organic remains of other organisms.E.g.: decomposers.
3. Symbiotic nutrition: Certain plants live in close association with other plants for long periods and share and shelter. E.g.: fungi and algae,rizobium and leguminous plants plants.
Explain hiterotrophic in human being .
Protozoa, such as amoebas, and most of the free living animals,such as animals, exhibit this type of nutrition. In Holozoic nutrition the energy and organic building blocks are obtained by ingesting and then digesting other organisms or pieces of other organisms, including blood and decaying organic matter.
I hope my answer is help you..
B brainly..
Holozoic nutrition can be seen in human beings. In this mode of nutrition humans ingest the food particle which is then digested and absorbed by the body.