what was clear from the sky?
City was clear from the sky.
This question is taken from Geography Lesson which is written by Honeydew Poem .
The poet has painted a picture of a metropolis from a jet in this poem. He observes that cities are chaotic and poorly designed. He is aware that settling close to rivers is mostly driven by access to water supplies. He observes that individuals have divided themselves into hateful factions as the jet flies higher.
The city was clear from the sky.
When the jet shot into the sky, the poet claims it became obvious, meaning he saw why the city had grown in the manner it had. a mile seemed to be like six inches since everything appeared to be so small.
It is unavoidable that everything evolved in an uncontrolled manner, without taste, and without any underlying organisational principles (earth). The first sentence is repeated by the poet: When the jet sprung into the sky, i.e., when the jet (aeroplane) was in the air, he saw all of this.