what was Gandhiji say about machines which display the useful labour of many and deploy them of their earnings
The Singer sewing machine was so revolutionary that even Mahatma Gandhi, who eschewed all other machines, made an exception for it. After learning to sew on a Singer in a British jail, Gandhi called it “one of the few useful things ever invented.”
(i) Mahatma Gandhi was critical of the machines because they enslaved human-beings and displaced labour.
(ii) Mahatma Gandhi gave much importance to Charkha (spinning-wheel). He considered Charkha as a symbol of self-reliant society. According to Gandhiji, Charkha diminished the glory of machines and technology. It signified manual labour. It also provided the poor with supplementary income.
(iii) Gandhiji was against the craze for machinery. He did not consider machines justified on the plea that they saved labour. He was critical of machines because they left thousands of people without work. They made many people die of starvation. Not only this, the machines will lead to the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few capitalists. In fact, Gandhi wanted that wealth should go in the hands of all. So the introduction of machines and technology was not acceptable to Gandhiji.