what was napoloenic code
The Napoleonic Code made the authority of men over their families stronger, deprived women of any individual rights, and reduced the rights of illegitimate children. All male citizens were also granted equal rights under the law and the right to religious dissent, but colonial slavery was reintroduced.
The code is still in use in Belgium, Luxembourg, and Monaco. ... In Louisiana, the only civil-law state in the United States (which is otherwise bound by common law), the civil code of 1825 (revised in 1870 and still in force) is closely connected with the Napoleonic Code.
The Napoleonic Code ‒ or Code Napoléon, officially the Code civil des Français ‒ is the French civil code established under Napoléon I in 1804. The code did not allow privileges based on birth (such as nobility). It allowed freedom of religion.
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What was napoloenic code??
The Napoleonic Code is the French civil code established under the French Consulate in 1804. It was drafted by a commission of four eminent jurists and entered into force on 21 March 1804.