what was problem with nij cultivation?
(i) The planters found it difficult to expand the area under nij cultivation. Indigo could be cultivated only on fertile lands and these were already densely populated. Hence the planters attempted to lease in the land around the indigo factory and evict the peasants from the area.
There were various problems with Nij cultivation:
The planters found it difficult to expand the area under nij cultivation.Indigo could be cultivated only on fertile lands,and these were already densely populated.They attempted to lease in the land around the indigo factory and evict the peasants from the area.But this always led to conflicts and tension.
A large plantation required a vast number of hands to operate.And labour was needed precisely at a time when peasants were usually busy with their rice cultivation.
Nij cultivation also required many ploughs and bullocks.Investing on purchase and maintaince of ploughs was big problem.
Hence planters were reluctant to expand the area under nij cultivation.