English, asked by suresh59, 1 year ago

what was Tagore view s of India's past


Answered by MrPerfect0007
Hello frnd




they have seen in India's past

Our real problem in India is not political, it is social; it is a situation which is not only prevalent in India but it is also among all the countries.

I do not believe in a particular political interest. Politics in the West dominates Western ideals, and are trying to imitate you in India. We must remember that in Europe, where people had their ethnic unity from the beginning, and where there was insufficient for the residents of natural resources, civilization has naturally taken the character of political and commercial aggression.

On one hand, they had no internal complexity, and on the other side they had to deal with neighbors who were strong and careless. A careful attitude of self-harm and hatred towards others was taken as a solution to their problems.

In the earlier days they used to organize and loot; the soul continues in the present age - and they organize and exploit the whole world

But from the earliest history of history, India has always had its problem in front of it - this race is a problem. Every country needs to be aware of its mission and we, in India, should understand that when we are trying to be political, we cut a poor figure, just because we have yet to supply our Have not been successful in fulfilling the work set by

This problem of race unity, which we are trying to solve for so many years, in the same way you have to face here in America.

Many people in this country ask me what is happening in the form of caste discrimination in India. But when this question is asked to me, it is usually done with better air and I feel that our American critics are tempted to ask the same question with a modest amendment, 'You are the leader of Lal Bharatiya and Negro What have you done? ' Because you do not look at the caste towards them.

You have used violent methods to keep segregation from other nations, but unless you resolve the question in America, you have no right to question India.

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