what was the position of women during the early vedic period?
The early Vedic period was therefore characterized by women's glorious role in education. In early Vedic family affairs, women who enjoyed both their autonomy and their role as wives were considered to be ardhangini (better half) and sahadharmini (equal partner)
Ans is below I hope it will help you
Women were given a certain amount of freedom in selecting their husbands.
Monogamy was the usual practice. Women controlled household affairs and participated
in the sacrifices and other domestic ceremonies and feasts. Probably, there was no
seclusion of women and no restrictions on their movements. Practice of widow remarriage
was noticed.
examples of child marriage and the marriageable age was around 16–17 years. The
education of girls was not neglected. Some of them composed hymns and rose to the ranks
of seers such as Visvavara, Ghosha, and Apala.