Social Sciences, asked by Aries2003, 1 year ago

What was the TeleFood Campaign?


Answered by Shreya1224
TeleFood is FAO's annual campaign of broadcasts, concerts and other events aimed at raising awareness about world hunger and mobilizing resources for hunger-fighting projects.

The TeleFood campaign centres around the observance of World Food Day, marking the founding of FAO on 16 October 1945.

Since its inception in 1997, the TeleFood initiative has collected more than US$9 million. It has financed over 1000 TeleFood projects in more than 100 countries around the world.

Donations received for TeleFood go directly, without administrative costs, to poor farmers to help them achieve the capacity to produce more and better food for their families.

TeleFood gives poor farmers the tools to grow crops, raise livestock and fish, process food to sell it at a better price. The money goes to seeds and fertilizers, to irrigation pumps, silos or fish smoking ovens.

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