CBSE BOARD XII, asked by ksood6575, 1 year ago

what was the 'thunderlap' the narrator received as M. Hamel began the lesson?​


Answered by mukula56789
  • M. Hamel told his students that it was their first French class since an order had come from Berlin that only German would be taught in Alsace and Jarman schools from now on. To Franz, this announcement came as a thunderclap, since he was astonished and should have expected them.
Answered by vinod04jangid


M.Hamel insisted on making the people of Alsace realize what they were losing upon by not learning their lessons in time. He urged upon them to be conscious of the fact that French was the most beautiful language of the world the clearest and the most logical one. They should guard their language and must not let it die as it was the key to their prison and a symbol of their identity.


The narrator received a bolt from the blue when the teacher, M.Hamel announced that he was there to teach his last lesson in French that day. They had received orders from Berlin and consequently teaching of French was being barred. Only German would be taught in the school of Alsace and Lorraine.


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