What were Mr. Macwhirr usual habits?
1. Captain Mac Whirr
* Captain Mac Whirr is a man utterly without imagination. He is infuriatingly a literal-minded person. He has a well idea about typhoons, cyclones and sea storms, but had no personal experience of any of them; his defect of imagination renders him incapable of comprehending anything so violent, and so elemental. He understands that such extremities of nature are possible, of course, having read about them, but "belief is not comprehension” * Bashful: downcast eyes * "Never walked on this Earth" - is emotionally inauspicious (unfriendly) from his family and crew, and though he refuses to consider an alternate course to skirt the typhoon. * Mac Whirr is a complex and resourceful character whose deeper nature is obscured by the lack of social graces, yet who nevertheless undergoes radical change * Impulsive and irresponsible (ran away from his home at the age of 15) * Mac Whirr appears to have neither friends nor social acquaintances, and the sole relationship which he has sustained, namely with his wife, is entirely nominal * Mac Whirr reveals a glaring lack of concern for others and an ignorance of the trust implicit in relationships, shortcomings for which his complete devotion to his career as a sailor ostensibly compensates. * His simple and unimaginative approach to reality equips him with the self-possession and rationality necessary to survive a life-threatening force. This notion is underscored by the fact that he loses courage when he starts to imagine the outcome of the typhoon * Inhumane in nature, because he tagged the China men as “ cargo”
his full explanation