Physics, asked by Anonymous, 3 months ago

What were the brutalities held during the Nazi period.



Answered by Anonymous


During Wórld War II, the Gérmans' combined àrmed fórces (Heer, K riegsmarine and Lúftwaffe) committed systematic w ar çrimes, including màssacres, màss r ape, lóoting, the éxploitation of fórced labor, the murdér of three million Sóviet prisoñers of war, and pàrticipated in the e xtermination of J ews.

Answered by Anonymous

What were the brutalities held during the Nazi period.

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During World War II, the Gérmans' combined armed forces (Heer, Krigsmarine and Lufwaffe) comitted systematic war crîmes, including masacres, mass rápe, loóting, the exploîtation of forced labor, the mûrder of three million Soviet prïsoners of war, and participated in the extermination of Jéws.

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