What were the causes of discontent among the Indian rulers and landlords?
During the two hundred years of rule of the British they brought about various changes in the different aspects of the Indian life, be it social, economic or political But the changes effected by the British hardly did any good to the people of India.
Rather it may be said without any fear of contradiction that under the British rule all the classes of Indian people-from the educated middle class to the peasants and labourers-suffered degeneration...
the causes of discontent among the Indian rulers and landlords are as follows;
1. The British Order of expansion created uncertainty among the leaders of the states whose regions were appended.
2. The Doctrine of Lapse appended to the dissatisfaction of the Indian rulers as the ruling classes were dissipating control which put anxiety among the other rulers that an alike fate anticipated them.
3. The Subsidiary Alliance, where the British guaranteed assurance to kingdoms from foreigners also disturbed the local rulers