History, asked by deepabalaji201pbht7d, 1 year ago

what were the causes of the civil disobedience movement?​


Answered by Adityapsingh2601



 The civil disobediance movement was one of the milestones of the indian freedom strugles led by MAHATMA GANDHI.This non violence movement was

                started in 1930AD mainly with the ideology of disobeying laws,demands and commands of the government.

                CIVIL DISOBEDIANCE movement started mainly due to the SALT SATYAGRAHA which was held by 1930 march 12th near dandi.

                The british governement implemented heavy tax on production or sell of salt,they made it illegel to production or sellling of salt without

                paying the heavy tax.It affected the every INDIAN because salt is the primary ingrediment in the daily diet.On 12th March MAHATMA GANDHI

                started SALT SATYAGRAHA OR SALT MARCH with the main ideology of againist the BRITISH LAW on heavy tax on salt.It is a non violent protest.

                MAHATMA GANDHI broke the law by pickng a small chunk of salt from th sea coast of DANDI on APRIL 4rth. It is one of the Biggest movement

                which againist the british rule after the NON-COOPERATION movement held on 1920-22AD which was led by MAHATMA GANDHI.

Answered by rraj0394

The main reasons of launching or cause of the civil disobedience movement are :

1.Gandhiji's letter was an ultimatum to British government. If the demands were not fulfilled by 11th March, the Congress would launch a civil Disobedience campaign.

2.Viceroy Irwin was unwilling to negotiate with Gandhiji.

3. Gandhiji believed that the tax on salt and the Government monopoly over salt production was the most oppressive measure taken by the British government. this law had to be removed. thus, he broke the salt law by manufacturing salt by boiling water in dandi and urgued the people to refuse cooperation with the British. the salt march marked the beginning of civil disobedience Movement.

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