• What were the major issues (1947-1958) that became the reason of military intervention in Pakistan for the first time? Justify your answer with any five relevant points.
• How did the Bogra formula help to accomplish the task of constitution making in Pakistan? Justify your answer with any five relevant points.
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• What were the major issues (1947-1958) that became the reason of military intervention in Pakistan for the first time? Justify your answer with any five relevant points. 10 Marks
Lack of elections in Pakistan:
Political instability due to change in government. The military bureaucracy oligarchy occupied a dominant position and has been in effective command of state power even since the creation of state.
Iskandar Mirza:
Iskander Mirza declaring the country as a republic which was the last nail in the Coffin.
Political instability due to change in government:
The oligarchy installed politician and political parties in office to provide a façade of parliamentary government for a decade; it then decided to expel them in 1958. The intervention of this oligarchy and more particularly of the military become more effective and intensive when new state started facing problems of vast magnitude. These include inexperienced administrative staff, a massive refugee problem, poor economic resources, regional conflicts.
Lack of visionary leadership:
Indian propaganda in East Pakistan. The geographical separation of East and West Pakistan produced not only administrative, physical but social economic and political problems as well. Distance made communication irregular and expensive.
Death of real heroes:
Death of real heroes of Pakistan movement and rising us of some corrupted bureaucrats. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was Governor General and President of the Constituent Assembly. He had charismatic appeal stature and unrivalled prestige that commanded and compelled unquestioned acceptance of his leadership all over Pakistan. However he died on 11 September 1948. Liaquat Ali Khan Jinnah’s lieutenant and Pakistan’s first Prime Minister guided the country with courage and confidence during a difficult period his tenure was cut short by an assassin’s bullet in October 1951.