what were the positive effects of the spread of English education?
please answer in short.
Positive effects of English education
The British declared their objectives for introducing western English education as:
a. To civilize India , which was characterised by many barbaric practises.
b. To spread Christianity, as they believed that Christianity was only true religion.
c. To consolidate British's power and position in the country.
d. British wanted to establish their cultural domination with spread of English language.
e. To serve their economic interests as English education would convince Indians about the superiority of British goods which were machine made and serve advantages of trade and commerce.
f. English education would create a class of people who could be part of civil British took advantage of India's political instability, lack of unity to establish their administrative purpose.
g. An important step was taken in 1835, with the passing of English education act which laid the basis of modern western education in India.
h. The act provided for, to make English as the medium for higher education, also to stop the promotion of oriental institutions and that English textbooks would be produced for schools.
The positive effects of the spread of English education given below:
- The education system before the British was more religion-based and the society full of notions.
- The British introduced a modern education system with western ideas that led to the progression in the thinking of the people.
- Many English medium schools established where locals allowed to learn another language than their mother tongue.
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English speech on education