What were the two main branches of geography ? 30 lines
Answer: The two main branches of geography include physical geography and human geography. GIS, GPS, and remote sensing are tools that geographers use to study the spatial nature of physical and human landscapes.
The two main branches of geography include physical geography and human geography. GIS, GPS, and remote sensing are tools that geographers use to study the spatial nature of physical and human landscapes.
Geography is divided into two main branches: human geography and physical geography. There are additional branches in geography such as regional geography, cartography, and integrated geography.
Human Geography
This is one of the major branches in geography and it mainly covers studies of the human race. This normally involves understanding a human population’s backgrounds, how the interactions and the perceptions that members of that human population have for various ideologies affecting them.
In addition to this, the discipline also studies the way in which the groups of people that inhabit the Earth organize themselves in the particular regions that they inhabit.
As a matter of fact, many other branches of geography normally fall under human geography.
Modern applications of human geography can include mapping human migration, showing the movement of food resources and how they impact communities, and the impacts climate change can have on humans living in vulnerable areas.
Physical Geography
Physical geography is a major branch of the science of geography, and it mainly deals with the study of the natural characteristics of the Earth.
It covers both features that are on the Earth’s surface as well as those near it.
Physical geography allows us to chart landmasses, but physical geography is also being used to see what lies beneath the Earth’s ice caps and oceans.
Researchers are using satellite technology to see the landmass that exists under Antarctica; additionally, there is work that continues to be done to explore and map the physical makeup of the land underneath our oceans.