what will be the mass of neutron is it is similar to oroton
The binding energy for the spin pairing of a neutron with neutron is on the order of 3 million electron volts (MeV) whereas the binding energy due to the repulsive nucleonic force between two neutrons is only about 1/3 MeV. The same applies for protons. The binding energy for a neutron-proton pair is likewise about 3 MeV but the nucleonic force between a neutron and a proton is an attraction creating a binding energy of about 1/3 MeV. From these figures it would seem that all types of free nucleonic pairs should be possible.
But consider the energy relationships between a neutron-neutron pair and a neutron-proton pair. The energies in the spin pairing would be the same. The nucleonic repulsion between two neutrons involves a positive amount of potential energy, but the attraction between a neutron and a proton constitutes a negative amount of potential energy. Thus the conversion of a neutron in a neutron-neutron pair to a proton would release energy. In a free neutron-neutron pair this conversion would take place. Within a nucleus a neutron in neutron-neutron pair could already be part of a neutron-proton pair so its conversion to a proton would create a disallowed -p-n-p- linkage so the conversion can't happen.
the mass of a neutron is equal to the mass of a proton. in other words , the relative mass of a neutron is 1 a.m.u