What will be the square root of 625 by explanation ?
For every number ending with 25, e.g. 225, 625, 1225, 2025, 3025,….21025,…, xx25 and so on, their square root is always n5. Jut you need to find n.
Step I -
Separate the number xx25 in two parts i.e. xx and 25. Therefore for 625, xx=6.
Step II -
Find the value of n by using simple formula → n * ( n + 1 ) = xx.
Let see if it works. Let’s take 225 as first number.
225 → xx = 2. We can write 2 as 2 = 1 * 2. Hence, n=1. So its square root =n5 =15.
Now let take some bigger numbers.
3025 → xx = 30 = 5 * 6. Therefore, n = 5. So square root of 3025 = 55.
5625 → xx = 56 = 7 * 8 . Therefore, n=7, Hence 75 is the answer.
11025 → xx = 110 = 10 * 11 . Therefore, n=10, Hence 105 is the answer.
Now, let’s find square root of 625.
625 → xx = 6 = 2 * 3. Therefore, n=2, hence square root is 25.
Hope it helps.