Biology, asked by sanjaysable417, 11 months ago

What will happen if all the carnivores are removed from a forest?


Answered by SAngela
Hey mate !!!.

When carnivorous remove from the earth then the numbers of herbivorous are increased and the amount of green gress is less day by day and in this situation, numbers of herbivorous are dead.

And creat a lot of pollution.

Dear:) hops its helps ☺

reyaanshbhatnagar: hello
Answered by rohit1205


Animals breed a lot more than humans do. They also die a lot more than humans do, so it's kept in check. Remove the predetores and you get overpopulation.

So why is overpopulation a problem? Don't you want more animals if the animals are happy and well fed?

Well fed is the key word here though. They will eat themselves into starvation. Overpopulation means that after a few generations, there will be competition for food. To make matters worse, more animals means a higher likelihood that disease will spread. Some animals will be driven to areas where they are not familiar with. Some may survive, but some may come in contact with a poisonous plant they aren't familiar with. Or they might be killed by weather they aren't accustomed to.

Another thing to note too, is that lots of animals eat meat. Even if you remove all the carnivores, there are still quite a few omnivores, and omnivores eat fruits and vegetables but they eat meat too. For example, birds eat seeds, but they'll eat bugs too. Many animals are like that.

If animals bred less maybe it wouldn't be a problem, but they are driven to reproduce very often, and when they do they may have quite a few offspring, because they're designed to do that biologically.

In other words, the idea of a world without prey is idealistic, but probably not advisable.

Then again though, we tend to be the ultimate carnivore/omnivore, so maybe we'll always keep them in check, and maybe we'll cause the die out of predators because they're dangerous and we can't handle danger. Or maybe plants will become the danger. Too much competition and they might breed for poison to protect themselves.

Maybe I'm being pessimistic, but those are the outcomes I see happening.

hope it will help u bro......

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