what will happen if microbes in the soil gets destroyed
This might take according to the strong and heavy metal or cyanide poisoning and in case of poisoning might be the primary cause.
This usually grabs attention in plant death and has stunted growth for soil is only temporarily uninhabitable choice for very quick results. It could migrate to soil and deeply consider stunted growth.
As by the sake of their name microbes can not be seen with naked eye. But they are everywhere. They can be found in every ecosystem even in and on your body.
Even though they can not be seen they are one of the important shareholders of the earth and most important working class people. They convert sunlight into energy in plants, they convert atmospheric nitrogen, they recycle wastes, they perform important function on human body, they regulate life on the planet and more.
If they suddenly vanished from the planet, there standing a good news to ring the bell to say "there will be no more microbial diseases and deaths". At the same time, there standing a bad news to fire an alarm to say "soon there will be no more life on earth".
read more in brainly:https://brainly.in/question/4448548