Science, asked by dhruva139, 7 months ago

what will happen if only one man and many girls,women left in the world​


Answered by nehabhosale454


The women would be able to keep society going just fine. With very few soldiers in the world, a major war would be impossible, and there would be much less incentive for war anyway, as the majority of drum-beating politicians would be gone and their would be much less of an economic incentive with so many fewer mouths to feed.

Populations would drop dramatically for years. It would take a minimum of 15 years before there could other males to help produce children. In the interim, the women of the world would be aging-- dying and hitting menopause. ..............Obviously there is a very real chance of extinction of the human species....

Hospitals and sperm banks could charge whatever they wanted for existing stocks of sperm accumulated from before the event or they would be nationalized. There would be massive resources devoted to alternative reproductive technology. Cloning would suddenly be a very strong area of interest, instead of it's current pariah status as being unethical.

There would be a seismic change in economic infrastructure. Systems based on continuous growth and consumption would be unsustainable. It would take everyone on earth's efforts just to try to keep up the infrastructure in place and those in place would more than satisfy existing needs for the foreseeable future.

Cloning would suddenly be a very strong area of interest, instead of it's current pariah status as being unethical.

It would really suck being that one male. It might feel pretty great for a little while, being treated as untouchable royalty with the most beautiful women in the world. This would wear thin very quickly. Absolutely every woman of child-bearing age would have an interest in seducing you so no one could be trusted as having no motive. You would have absolutely no freedom, as you would not be allowed to do anything that was even remotely risky to your health or the health of your sperm. Smoking, bungi jumping, swimming in water over your head. Almost certainly, one of the predictable constants of your life would be routine,sterile collection of sperm- you might even be prohibited from having sexual relations with a real woman because of the remotest chances of contracting a disease and since that one copulation could have impregnated many women through artificial insemination. It might seem like a small thing now, but even the masculine camaraderie of hanging out with the guys over a beer would be sorely missed very quickly.

Answered by sapneswarpalei


girls will be sufficient to boy to get married

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