Biology, asked by rishitaaryan8713, 10 months ago

What will happen if we inject animal dna in humans?


Answered by patil67

some charecter of animals are going to notice in human

Answered by adarshdrishya883

If you inject DNA into your blood stream, your body will send blood cells that will consume it and use DNase to break it apart and turn it into nucleotides that your body will then treat as nutrients. If you want to do this, the traditional method is to eat the animal DNA, of course, not inject it.BUT, if you did not use a syringe, but rather a virus that could infect your cells, and in that virus you had a vector carrying a specific animal gene and CRISPR/Cas9 to insert it into your genome, you could, if you knew what you are doing, get it to express! Just exactly what happens depends on the gene(s) in question, when you inserted it, and the expression of it. If you did it without much thought, you would have three possible outcomes: a fatal allergic reaction, the infected cells would just die, nothing at all, or you’d develop cancer. If you knew better what you are doing, then there’s a possibility that the affected cells could carry out some bit of metabolism that they weren’t able to before.

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