what will happen if we put a balloon on the top of a bottle and then put it in the sunlight and after few minutes we will put in a freezer or in any cool place so what will happen tell me with explanation
plz mark me the brainliest
The air from the bottle then moves into the balloon causing it to inflate. When the bottle is removed from the hot water, the balloon will stay inflated. This is because the air molecules in the bottle are still hot. If you leave the bottle out of the water for a while, it will eventually cool down.
Use a Bottle to Blow-up a Balloon
Can science blow up a balloon?
In this easy science experiment, kids can explore how matter behaves when heated and cooled. Watch our demonstration video, gather your materials, print out your instruction sheet to get started. Then, discuss your findings with our easy to understand explanation of how it works below.
Blow Up a Balloon with Bottle Science Experiment
Use a Bottle to Blow-up a Balloon Video
How to Blow Up a Balloon with a Jar
Supplies Needed
8-inch Balloon
Empty 2-Liter Bottle
2 pans (I used 9-inch square pans)
Enough Ice & Cold Water to Fill one Pan
Enough Hot Boiling Water to Fill another Pan
Experiment Instructions
Balloon Blow-up - Step 1
Step 1 – Start with an empty two-liter bottle and secure a balloon around the mouth of the bottle.
Helpful Tip: 8-inch balloons work best for this experiment. When we tried this with a 10-inch balloon, it didn’t inflate entirely.
Balloon Blow-up - Step 2
Step 2 – Prepare two pans of water. Fill one pan with ice and cold water. Fill the other pan with hot boiling water.
Balloon Blow-up - Step 3
Step 3 – Place the bottle in the pan with the hot water. Hold it in the pan for 30-40 seconds and watch the balloon inflate.
Balloon Blow-up - Step 4
Step 4 – Remove the bottle from the hot water and place it on the table for a few seconds. Notice that the balloon stays inflated.
Balloon Blow-up - Step 5
Step 5 – Place the bottle in the pan with the cold water. Hold it in the pan for 30-40 seconds and watch the balloon deflate.
Balloon Blow-up - Step 6
Step 6 – Remove the bottle from the cold water and place it on the table. The balloon will remain deflated.