What would the H di baryon wave function which is an isospin singlet be?
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I realise that the baryon octet forms a 8 dim irrep of SU(3). What would would the H di baryon wave function be? Specifically, I am looking for an irrep with I=0 and S=-2, having the quark content of udsudsudsuds.
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✔️✔️There are many other combinations that yield an isospin singlet.
For example consider the combination Σ+Σ−+Σ−Σ+−Σ0Σ0Σ+Σ−+Σ−Σ+−Σ0Σ0.
This is also an isospin singlet with the same quark content. These states,ΛΛΛΛ or the state I mentioned cannot form a basis for an irrep. –
I realise that the baryon octet forms a 8 dim irrep of SU(3).
What would would the H di baryon wave function be? Specifically, I am looking for an irrep with I=0 and S=-2, having the quark content of udsudsudsuds.
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