English, asked by rituhrudyansh, 6 months ago

What would the world be like if there was no money? How
would people buy things?​


Answered by parisharmajsnx


No. Life is not worth living without being rich. It is something most humans will realize once they begin to understand the context of capitalism. Once they realize how capitalism is using us to make the rich people more rich. It is the simple truth about human life in the modern days. You waste your childhood on school, running from school to school like a dog expecting a treat. Only a few realize that this was the waste of their childhood. There were so many things you could have done as a child.

Anyways, you work and work to no prevail. You see, I am right now speaking on the behalf of 80% of the human population. Or even more. How can you accept working for 40 years gaining small pay raises on the way. You live on the same mediocore little apartemt your whole life, and serve same rich corporate people your whole life. These are all indequadies of capitalism. Just imagine yourself as a retired old man after all your life. Just imagine how boring it is sitting on a squeky chair all day long not being able to afford anything.

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