whats a differences between energy and matter
answer is in the attachment

When light was created another thing was simultaneously created with it. This other thing is of dark energy. By the process of pair production, energies are converted to masses.
Matter exists in two basic form; mass or energy. Our present day physics provide the mechanics of how mass can be converted to energy and vice versa. The primary characteristic of mass is that it occupies space. Space is therefore an intrinsic property of mass. For mass to exist it must have space as its component. Conversely, space does not exist without mass. But nothing exist which does not move hence mass must have velocity.
Energy on the other hand has velocity as its primary characteristics. Thus energy is more appropriate to define in terms of velocity instead of its mass equivalent. The Lorentz transform becomes meaningless if used to describe electromagnetic energies. It cannot account for the photon. Thus the Maxwell equation is used to describe light and the photon is assumed to be massless. To assume that the photon is massless however is a violation of basic logic because light is energy and therefore should have a mass equivalent. This only points out the shortcoming of the Special Theory of Relativity to account for all existence.