Computer Science, asked by theachiever26, 1 year ago

whats the diffrence...???

please say QUICKLY AND FAST...




Answered by Anonymous
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The major difference between breakand exit() is that break is a keyword, which causes an immediate exit from the switch or loop ( for , while or do ), while exit() is a standard library function, which terminates program execution when it is called.

void exit(int return_code);


sarazeb8989: It's not maas allah
sarazeb8989: It's Mashallah
theachiever26: diffrenve btwn break and system.exit(0)? in java
Answered by sarazeb8989

Usually a non-zero error status indicates that the program ended abnormally.

sarazeb8989: void exit(int return_code);
The value of return_code is returned to the calling process, so the success or failure of the program can be tested by another program that uses this one as a sub-process. Conventionally, a return value of 0 signals that all is well; non-zero values usually signal abnormal situations. The exit() calls fclose for each open output file, to flush out any buffered output.
sarazeb8989: Within main, return expr is equivalent to exit(expr). The exit has the advantage that it can be called from other functions.
sarazeb8989: what does that mean
sarazeb8989: But you report that answer
sarazeb8989: :(
sarazeb8989: OK
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