Biology, asked by Dhidhi4219, 11 months ago

When anther is fused and filament is free then this condition is called as


Answered by shahupriya90

When anters are United and filaments are free then this condition is called..syngeny

Answered by skyfall63

When stamens are fused by their anthers and filaments are free then this condition is called as gynandrous.


  • The condition is revealed as the gynandrous condition which holds the stamen and pistil united in one column, as in the orchids characterized by hermaphroditism.
  • Exhibiting the behavior of both the feminine and masculine.
  • Both denotational equivalent and connotational opposite of the androgynous.
  • Gynandrous (not comparable) (botany) holding stamens and pistils both are in a tier.
  • Orchids have gynandrous flowers. Showing the characteristics of both the feminine and the masculine.
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