when did Fa-Hien came to India ?
401 - 441 AD
Fa - Hien : A Chinese Pilgrim who visited India during the reign of Chandragupta II in
More to know !!
Magasthenes ( 304 - 299 BC ) : he was a Greek Ambassador sent by seleucus to the court of Chandragupta Maurya . his accounts of the modern period are found in his work Indica .
Huen - Tsang ( 629 - 643 AD ) : A Chinese pilgrim who visited India during the reign of Harsha .
Alberuni ( 1024 - 1030 AD ) : a celebrated Central Asian scholar visited India with the Army of Muhammad Ghazni he wrote Tahik - e - Hind .
Marcopolo ( 1292 - 1030 AD ) : A Venetian Traveller visited South India on his way from China to Persia
Ibn Batuta ( 1333 - 1347 AD ) : A moroccan Traveller visited India during Muhammad Bin Tughlaq reign . He wrote Regla .
when did Fa-Hien came to India ?