When iam doing experiment what precautions do I have to teke
No. ACIP does not recommend routinely checking a patient's temperature or other vital signs before vaccination. Requiring these extra steps can be a barrier to immunization.
We frequently see patients who are febrile or have an acute illness and are due for vaccinations. We are uncertain if we should withhold the vaccines or not. What do you advise?
A "moderate or severe acute illness" is a precaution for administering any vaccine. A mild acute illness (e.g., diarrhea or mild upper-respiratory tract infection) with or without fever is not a precaution, and vaccines may be given. The concern in vaccinating someone with moderate or severe illness is that a fever following the vaccine could complicate management of the concurrent illness - it could be difficult to determine if the fever was from the vaccine or due to the concurrent illness. In deciding whether to vaccinate a patient with moderate or