when is the life worth living
If nothing is giving you an inspiration to lead your life.. Blindly follow the below instructions irrespective of your negative thoughts. Remember thoughts are just a subset of life but not viceversa.
Involve yourself in something or the other. At the least when you are over depressed and when you feel it is not necessary to live and those monstrous suicidal thoughts occupy your mind.
Tell yourself you are not going to give up.
Tell yourself come what may you are going to live till the last breath of your life.
Tell yourself that you are going to invite nothing but natural death.
If still you are unable to gain strength go and sleep. Sleep as long you want and repeat those above sentences.
So, is life worth living??
Yes. It is.
An ant has never questioned its existence and life.
Squirrell too simply tweaks around and never questions its life.
Ohh..dont forget butterfly.. And its life.(Die as a catterpillar and born again as a butterfly)
All the other creatures simply live. They eat,sleep,give birth and repeat. Thats all their life is all about.
We,probably the most intelligent creatures on this planet who are capable of doing anything.. We are capable of constructing as well as destructing.
May be we should be able to do more than what other creatures do in this planet. Unfortunately we are becoming the main source of destruction. Leave about constructing this planet, we are even unable to construct our thinking properly.
Now if you are over intelligent, you may say ‘All the other creatures have no offices to run, no families to take care of etc. They are also not so intelligent like us.’
My answer is.. Yes we are blessed with highest level of intelligence, so should you not use it to live in the most productive ways? Should we not live better than other creatures in this planet?