When it is noon in chronometer calculate the local time of Agartala (9130'E)
Calculate the longitude of a place whose local time is 10am while GMT is 2pm
asked by Kapil on August 7, 2018
If the sun is directly overhead at 12 noon at your location and GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) is 10:00pm, what is your approximate longitude? Check this site to see what place is 10 hours behind London and the GMT. (Broken Link Removed) Then, you can use a map
asked by Suzanne on October 11, 2006
What is the local time of a place on longitude 64 degree east when the GMT is 10•00 am
asked by David on January 11, 2020
Physics I think!
Equation of Time. I have read 2 explanations of the Equation of Time which seem to contradict each other. Today the Equation of Time is 16 minutes 15 seconds. I have seen it expressed as 16.15 F. The F means FAST meaning the sun is 16m 15s FAST.