When latitide and longitude intersect each other they form a?
Lines of latitude run true East and true West they are all parallel to the Equator which is “0 deg”. The equator is the only line of Latitude forming a great circle. Lines of latitude are measured in degrees North and South of the equator. Using the center of the Earth as the apex the line from the apex to the equator as your baseline now the line from the apex out to the surface of the Earth at any given point will give you the angle or the degrees of latitude North or South of the Equator. The easiest way to get this angle is to measure the height of the Sun at it’s Zenith, then apply the correction for the date and it will give you your latitude. Each degree of latitude is equal to 60 nautical miles. it is composed of 60 minutes. each minute is composed of 60 seconds. each second can be broken down into decimal points
Longitude are not parallels they run true North and true South. They are all great circles. They are farthest apart at the equator and come to a singular point at the North and South Poles. Using the line of longitude that passes through Greenwich England as the base line called the Prime Meridian longitude is measured in degrees East and west of the Prime Meridian. the 180 meridian is roughly the International date line it does vary from the 180th for political reasons. It is where a day begins, and ends. Longitudes are determined by time. As the world revolves once every 24 hrs and there are 360 longitudinal degrees it stands to reason that 360/24 will equal the degrees of change per hour of the sun. This equals 15 degrees per hour. So if you have a very accurate clock and you have it set to the time in Greenwich England. Then you use your sextant and note the exact time that the sun reaches it’s highest point of the day (it’s zenith). This is referred to as the” Noon shot”, at that moment you note the time in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time, now referred to as Coordinated Universal Time ) and as we already noted that the difference will equal 15 degrees for every hour now you can work out your Longitude. Longitude like Latitude is measured in degrees Each deg is 6 min. each min is 60 seconds each second can be broken into decimal points of a second. Between the two lines one can plot any position on the planet with exact accuracy. If Longitudinal lines where parallels this system would not work