When some one dies it's cell starts dieing why
As soon as the blood supply to the brain stops, neurons (brain cells) start to die, starting within a few seconds of being deprived of oxygen and other vital nutrients. If the heart and blood supply isn’t restarted within a few minutes - the actual time can vary depending on the circumstances - there’s an increasing cascade of neurons dying, ultimately leading to complete brain death and a total loss of everything which was ever contained in the brain. That’s all thoughts, memories, feelings, emotions, autonomic controls…, our very consciousness ceases, never to return. It doesn’t go anywhere, it simply ceases to exist.
Along with this, cells throughout the body are dying because of a lack of oxygen and nutrients. The time for various groups of cells to be able to survive death does vary, the longest lasting being skin cells, which can survive as long as 24 hours. As cells are dying, a combination of chemical breakdown by the body’s own enzymes and the natural bacteria in and on our bodies, start to decompose the body,
After about 3 days - depending on the ambient temperature - the internal organs of the body become putrefied and the body can be releasing gasses and bloating noticeably. Beyond this time the body continues to go through various stages of decay and putrefaction
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