When you use a compensate strategy, what do you do to the numbers ?
Compensation is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition that involves adjusting one of the addends to make the equation easier to solve. ... Compensation is a useful strategy for making equations easier to solve. More importantly, it encourages students to think flexibly about numbers.
Let’s solve the equation 34+49 using the compensation strategy.
First, since 49 is so close to 50, we will add 34+50. This is easier to solve. Then, since we added one extra to the original equation, we have to subtract one from the final answer
Compensation is a mental math strategy for multi-digit addition that involves adjusting one of the addends to make the equation easier to solve. Some students may prefer this strategy as an alternative to left-to-right addition or the breaking up the second number strategy.
Compensation is a useful strategy for making equations easier to solve. More importantly, it encourages students to think flexibly about numbers.