English, asked by ina42824gmailcom, 11 months ago

Where did he take
Where did
Passage 1
What is meant 1
Columbus had been many years in Portugal, and it was there that his studies had fired him
with his great belief. Since then, for ten years, he had spent his life pursuing his aim, and
begging at the courts of kings that he might be provided with ships and money and men for
and too much occupied with the success of his African voyages to give him much heed. So
He left Portugal after years of fruitless waiting. The King had been interested by sceptical,
noblemen had faith in him, sheltered him and brought him to the Court. But the kingdom
he came to Spain to lay his case before our King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. Certain
was at war with the Moors, who, for eight hundred years, had invaded and settled in it, and
the war, though now nearing its end, needed all the money it could find. There was none to
submitted to the council; and the council rejected it. Still Columbus did not give up hope.
spare for a voyage so speculative as Columbus proposed. Nonetheless, his case was
He followed the Court upon its campaigns against the Moors, living as best he could,
of his friends. For six years he waited, and then gave up hope. He would try no more in
sometimes making a little money by drawing maps, sometimes living under the patronage
hearing. First, though, he must take his son, Diego, to the hose of a cousin in Huelva, there
Spain, but go to the Court of France where, perhaps, he would receive a favourable
from Columbus Sails by C. Walter Hodges
a voyage which would make rich any nation that sponsored it.
1. Answer the following questions pertaining to the passage.
nd fired Columbs with 'his great
What is mea
nation that
h) Mention
to be educated and await the better fortune of his father.
1) How
1 €​


Answered by blahblah34


The question isn't clear like its actually jumbled

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