Where did Mr.Wonka.came on his. Experiments ?.
in which chapter is this plz tell me
Question 1.
Wonka-vite, that Mr. Willy wonk invented, makes people?
(i) Stronger
(ii) Younger
(iii) Disappear
Answer: Younger.
Question 2.
Wonka-vite is too strong so some people?
(i) Can do every terrific thing
(ii) Disappear because their age becomes minus
(iii) Died
Answer: Disappear because their age becomes minus.
Question 3.
Mr. Willy wonka must invent a new thing that will makes people?
(i) Most stronger
(ii) Younger
(iii) Older
Answer: Older.
Question 4.
“One person actually becomes minus eighty-seven, ‘eighty-seven’ means?
(i) He’s got to wait eighty-seven years before he can come back
(ii) He have gone eighty seven years back
(iii) He become eight seven years younger
Answer: He’s got to wait eighty-seven years before he can come back.
Question 5.
What is the first question that came to Mr. Wonka’s mind?
(i) What is the youngest living thing in the world
(ii) What is most important thing to do
(iii) What is the oldest living thing in the world
Answer: What is the oldest living thing in the world
Question 6.
As the answer of his question who suggested the name of ‘tree’?
(i) Charlie
(ii) Wonka
(iii) Wilson
Answer: Charlie.
Question 7.
What is the name of the tree which Charlie suggests?
(i) Douglas
(ii) Cactus
(iii) Bristlecone pine
Answer: Bristlecone pine.
Question 9.
Bristle cone pines grow upon?
(i) The slopes of wheeler peak in Nevada, U.S.A.
(ii) Mangrove forest
(iii) Welder peak
Answer: The slopes of Wheeler Peak in Nevada, U.S.A.
Question 10.
Today Bristlecone pines are over?
(i) 4000 years old
(ii) 200 years old
(iii) 1000 years old
Answer: 4000 years old.
Question 11.
Mr. Wonka collect from 4000 year old bristlecone a?
(i) Part of root
(ii) Small leaf
(iii) Pint of sap
Answer: Pint of sap.
Question 12.
He Collect an egg for his experiment from?
(i) 200 years old Tortoise
(ii) 100 years old camel
(iii) 350 years old snake
Answer: 200 years old Tortoise.
Question 13.
The most old Tortoise belonging to?
(i) Africa
(ii) The king of Tonga
(iii) South America
Answer: The king of Tonga.
Question 14.
The tail of a giant rat that Mr. Wonka collects is?
(i) 207 years old
(ii) 50 years old
(iii) 147 years old
Answer: 207 years old.
Question 15.
What is the item that Mr. Wonka collects from Peru?
(i) The tail of a giant rat
(ii) The tail of a 51 – years old horse
(iii) The knucklebones of a 700 years old cattaloo
Answer: The knucklebones of a 700 years old cattaloo.
Question 16.
He collects an old flea which had lived for 36 years on?
(i) Wheeler peak
(ii) Crumpets
(iii) Mount Popocatepetl
Answer: Crumpets.
Question 17.
Mr. Wonka collects the toe-nail clippings from a 168 year old Russian farmer, who is called?
(i) Petrovitch Gregorovitch
(ii) Petonvit Gegovitch
(iii) Gregovich Petronovitch
Answer: Petrovitch Gregovitch.
Question 18.
The ancient animals who can spit poison into our eyes from fifty yards away are?
(i) The whistle pig, the bobolink, the Polly frog
(ii) Cattaloo, giant rat, tortoise
(iii) Polly frog, old flea, old grimalkin
Answer: The whistle pig, the bobolink, the Polly frog.
Question 19.
Finally after lots of testing, Mr. Willy Wonka produced?
(i) One smelly beakerful of grey liquid
(ii) One tiny cupful of oily black liquid
(iii) Wonka-vite
Answer: One tiny cupful of oily black liquid.
Question 20.
Mr. Wonka, for testing the liquid use?
(i) Two drops
(ii) Four drops
(iii) Only one drop of it.
Answer: Four drops.
Question 21.
Mr. Wonka applied the liquid, which is called vita-wonk. at first on a?
(i) Whistle pig
(ii) Old Flea
(iii) Brave twenty-year-old oompa loompa volunteer
Answer: Brave twenty-year-old oompa loompa volunteer.
Question 22.
After applying the liquid the twenty-year-old oompa loompa volunteer had suddenly become?
(i) Very younger
(ii) An old fellow of seventy-five
(iii) 80 years old fellow
Answers: An old fellow of seventy-five.