essay on the repealing of article 370 & 35A .
Article 370 and Article 35a of Indian Constitution, which gave special status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir, was abrogated by Indian Government on 05th August 2019 and now Jammu and Kashmir which has been the bone of discord between India, Pakistan, and China since 1947, is now divided into two Union Territories i.e. Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh.
Earlier article 370 under Part 21 of Indian Constitution was given special status to the state of Jammu & Kashmir since it came into effect in 1946. As per the article 370 of Indian Constitution, the provisions of the Constitution which apply to other states do not apply to J&K until and unless the state legislative assembly of J & K separately passes such provision except provisions related to defense, foreign affairs, finance, and communications. The residents of the state of Jammu & Kashmir live under a separate law and provisions related to Citizenship, Ownership of property, Fundamental rights, Directive Principle of State Policy and Fundamental Duties was not applicable to the state of J&K.
As per the article 35A, which was inserted through the Constitution Order, 1954 applicable to Jammu and Kashmir issued under article 370 by President Rajendra Prasad. Only residents of Jammu and Kashmir can own a property and get a J&K State Government Job in J &K.
Essay on Article 370 and 35a:-
After the abrogation of Article 370 and 35a on 05th August 2019 by Indian Government, essay on Essay on Article 370 and 35a, the burning issue of this time, has become the most important essay topic for all competitive exams.
Write a Meaningful Essay on Article 370 and 35a:-
Article 370 and Article 35a of Indian Constitution, which gave special status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir, was abrogated by Indian Government on 05th August 2019 and now Jammu and Kashmir which has been the bone of discord between India, Pakistan, and China since 1947, is now divided into two Union Territories i.e. Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh.
Essay on Article 370 and 35a for Competitive Exams, Effect of Repealing of Article 370 and 35a
Earlier article 370 under Part 21 of Indian Constitution was given special status to the state of Jammu & Kashmir since it came into effect in 1946. As per the article 370 of Indian Constitution, the provisions of the Constitution which apply to other states do not apply to J&K until and unless the state legislative assembly of J & K separately passes such provision except provisions related to defense, foreign affairs, finance, and communications. The residents of the state of Jammu & Kashmir live under a separate law and provisions related to Citizenship, Ownership of property, Fundamental rights, Directive Principle of State Policy and Fundamental Duties was not applicable to the state of J&K.
As per the article 35A, which was inserted through the Constitution Order, 1954 applicable to Jammu and Kashmir issued under article 370 by President Rajendra Prasad. Only residents of Jammu and Kashmir can own a property and get a J&K State Government Job in J &K.
Essay on Article 370 and 35a:-
After abrogation of article 370 Jammu and Kashmir will no longer enjoy special status and the laws of Indian Constitution are applicable to all residents of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh including provisions related to Citizenship, Ownership of property, Fundamental rights, Directive Principle of State Policy and Fundamental Duties. Article 35a has now become nullified. Now Tricolour of India is National Flag for J&K and Ladhak also. Right to Information and Right to Education are now applicable. The duration of legislative assemble is now five years instead 6 years earlier. The Panchayats (Local administration) will now enjoy the same powers as in other states.
Finally, after repealing of article 370 it is One Nation One Constitution. This will infuse the feeling of unity among all the citizens of India. It will open the doors for new business and job opportunities apart from tourism and will boost the economy of state. The Central Government of India will now be able to provide better medical, education etc. facilities to citizens of J&K and have better position to curb terrorism.
Some negative side of repealing of article 370 may also be seen. It has engendered fear among residents of Jammu and Kashmir about security. Many dread that the way Article 370 was repealed, the government might take similar actions in other states also and people could not say anything. This is a threat to our democracy.