where do we get honey and wax from
Honey bees produce beeswax from special glands on their abdomens that produce wax droplets that harden into flakes when exposed to air. The worker bees take these flakes in their mouths to soften them into a workable material that attaches to the honeycomb. Like honey, beeswax has a multitude of natural benefits.
Honey:-The extractor is loaded so that it’s balanced on both sides with multiple frames and then it’s spun to extract the honey with centrifugal force. The frame must be turned halfway through to extract honey from the other side. Pros: They’re readily available and generally small in size, perfect for the small hobbyist.
Wax:-Paraffin Wax. Paraffin wax comes from petroleum. It is a by-product that is created when crude oil is refined.
Beeswax. Beeswax, an animal by-product, is secreted by bees when they are building their honeycombs. Some of the most...
Montan Wax. Montan wax is a type of mineral wax. It comes from a solvent extraction of lignite. Lignite is another...
Carnauba Wax. Carnauba wax is a vegetable based wax that comes from a specific variety of palm trees that are grown...