Science, asked by rsadhuharyanakejaat0, 6 months ago

where is sclerenchynma tissue present in the plants and what is function ? plz short answer agla question 100 points ka puchunga​


Answered by sdffc

They are found mainly in the cortex of stems and in leaves. The major function of sclerenchyma is support. Unlike collenchyma, mature cells of this tissue are generally dead and have thick walls containing lignin. Their size, shape, and structure vary greatly.

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Answered by ashureddy999


Sclerenchyma, in plants, support tissue composed of any of various kinds of hard woody cells. Mature sclerenchyma cells are usually dead cells that have heavily thickened secondary walls containing lignin. The cells are rigid and nonstretchable and are usually found in nongrowing regions of plant bodies, such as the bark or mature stems. Sclerenchyma is one of the three types of ground, or fundamental, tissue in plants; the other two types are parenchyma (living thin-walled tissue) and collenchyma (living support tissue with irregular walls). Sclerenchyma cells occur in many different shapes and sizes, but two main types occur: fibres and sclereids.



Cross-section of sclerenchyma tissue (red). The thickened, secondary walls are lignified to provide support to the surrounding plant tissues.

J.M. Langham

ground tissue

ground tissue

The three types of ground, or fundamental, tissue in plants. Parenchyma tissue is composed of thin-walled cells and makes up the photosynthetic tissue in leaves, the pulp of fruits, and the endosperm of many seeds. Collenchyma cells mainly form supporting tissue and have irregular cell walls. They are found mainly in the cortex of stems and in leaves. The major function of sclerenchyma is support. Unlike collenchyma, mature cells of this tissue are generally dead and have thick walls containing lignin. Their size, shape, and structure vary greatly.

Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.




Leaf fibre

Bast fibre

Sclerenchyma cell


Fundamental tissue


Fibres are greatly elongated cells whose long, tapering ends interlock, thus providing maximum support to a plant. They often occur in bundles or strands and can be found almost anywhere in the plant body, including the stem, the roots, and the vascular bundles in leaves. Many of these fibres, including seed hairs, leaf fibres, and bast fibres, are important sources of raw material for textiles and other woven goods (see also list of plant fibres).

A worker stripping fibre from abaca (Musa textilis) in the Philippines.

A worker stripping fibre from abaca (Musa textilis) in the Philippines.

Charles W. Miller/Shostal Associates

Sclereids are extremely variable in shape and are present in various tissues of the plant, such as the periderm, cortex, pith, xylem, and phloem. They also occur in leaves and fruits and constitute the hard shell of nuts and the outer hard coat of many seeds. Sometimes known as stone cells, sclereids are also responsible for the gritty texture of pears and guavas.



The hard shells of many nuts contain sclereids, which are a type of sclerenchyma cell.


This article was most recently revised and updated by Melissa Petruzzello, Assistant Editor.

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