Whether lithium are used in the thermonuclear reaction
yes it is
Lithium is best known today as an ingredient of lithium-ion batteries.
Li-7 as a hydroxide is important in controlling the chemistry of PWR cooling systems.
Li-7 is a key component of fluoride coolant in molten salt reactors.
Li-6 is a source of tritium for nuclear fusion, through low-energy nuclear fission.
Lithium is the lightest metal, which occurs in several hard rock types, notably spodumene, and in brines, hence it is often mined in salt lakes, particularly in South America. In 2015 production was evenly split between brines and hard rock. Most brine production, though lower-cost, does not meet battery-grade specification (99.5% pure Li carbonate) so needs to be upgraded.About 40% of lithium production is used in batteries – about 15% being in automotive batteries, and an increasing amount in grid storage. By 2020 automotive batteries are projected to require about five times as much lithium as in 2016.