which action of the dog tells you that he found something
Words may be important for humans to communicate, but dogs convey emotions through body language and sounds. While your dog may seem to understand your words, especially if you've put in the effort to train them on simple commands such as sit, heel, and stay, you also need to work to understand and translate canine body language.
Barking is a lot like yelling for humans. Your dog is trying to express themself, and the only way they can get their feelings out is by barking. Dog barks come in different pitches, and while some may be more menacing than others, it is always important to pay attention to a dog's barking. A continuous rapid barking is often an alert. Your dog may have noticed someone in his territory — like a postal worker — and they want to make their housemates (and the other dogs in the neighborhood) aware, too. Loud, deep barks are often a warning to strangers: "Don't take a step closer, I don't trust you." Follow their advice and proceed cautiously. Finally, a yelping bark often comes from a dog that is injured. If you come across a dog that's yelping, call for help. They may need urgent care, but keep in mind that an injured dog might also be a cautious one, and therefore may not see your concern as an attempt to help but rather a danger signal.
Howling is similar to barking that dogs get from their wolf ancestral roots. It is a higher-pitched held out note to announce their presence as well as communicate with other dogs in the area. While it can be loud and annoying, it is just another form of communication for your dog.