Which among the factors influencing management has the most impact in business in the Philippines? Why do you think so?
Factors Influencing Business and Organizational Structure in the Philippines
American corporations continue to explore opportunities in countries around the worldas the global economy becomes more integrated. There are considerable advantages to begained in establishing overseas operations that include low cost of infrastructure,financialincentives, and available labor force. Challenges exist in selecting a suitable location, dealingwith governmental corruption, and addressing cultural differences. The Philippines offer bothchallenges and benefits that make it worthy of many companies’ consideration.GeographyThe Republic of the Philippines is a nation of more than 7000 islands located in thesouthwest Pacific Ocean. It is separated from mainland Asia by the South China Sea to the westand from Taiwan to the north by the Luzon Strait. The nearest neighboring country is Malaysia,located to the southwest and, at its closest point, is approximately 50 km distant. To the east isthe Philippine Sea and the Pacific Ocean.The central portions of the main islands are highly volcanic with 37 different volcanoes,18 of which are considered active. There have been significant eruptions as recently as 2011 andthese can often be accompanied by earthquake activity. In the lower elevations, plains andcoastal marshes are common. Most of the island shores are embayed allowing for harboring ofvessels. Manila Bay on the island of Luzon is adjacent to the capital city of Manila and is one ofthe largest deep water harbors in East Asia. Unfortunately, these attributes also make the coastalareas vulnerable to typhoons and there have been several devastating storms in the past twodecades (Gall, 2012).
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