Which among these does NOT live under the sea?
The completion of your question is given below
Which among these does NOT live under the sea? (1)Nautilus (2) Urchins (3)Whelk (4) Kalanchoe
The correct answer fro your question is option (4)-Kalanchoe.
Here the option (1)-Nautilus is marine mollusc
Option (2)-Urchin is a spiny, globular animal that can be found 5000 meters under the sea water.
Option (3)-Whelk is a type of sea snail.
Option (4)- Kalanchoe is a flowering species which has nearly 125 types mostly found in South Africa.
Out of all the options the Kalanchoe is the one which does not live under the sea.
The Kalanchoes are actually succulent flowering plants which are natively found in the country of Africa, but mostly in tropical africa and Madagascar.
Out of all the kalanchoes that exist out there most of them are perennial in nature while the rest is biennial in nature.