which are the essential funtions of municipal council
To provide democratic and accountable government for local communities
To ensure the provision of services to communities in a sustainable manner
To promote social and economic development
To promote a safe and healthy environment
To encourage the involvement of communities and community organisations
Makana municipality , grahamstown , Eastern cape province , Republic of South Africa. General powers and functions of the Municipal Council Functions and Objectives of a Municipal Council The primary role of the municipal council is that of political oversight of the municipality 's functions, programmes and the management of the administration. All of the powers of local government are vested in the municipal council. It has the power to make by-laws (legislative authority) and the powers to put those laws into effect (executive authority). The municipal council has executive and legislative authority over the matters set out in Part B of schedule 4 and Schedule 5 of the Constitution. The municipality may also administer any other matter assigned to it by national or provincial legislation.