Which are the important parallel of latitudes
Here are your important parallel of latitudes :-
★The Article Circle★
It lies at a distance of 66½° N of the equator.
★The Antarctic Circle★
It lies at the distance of 66½° S of the equator. It is similar to the Arctic Circle but lies in the southern Hemisphere.
★The Equator★
It is the most important latitude and the largest Circle that can be drawn on the globe. It divides the earth into two equal Halves i.e., The Northern Hemisphere and the southern Hemisphere.
★The Tropic of Capricorn★
It is an important latitude parallel in the southern Hemisphere. It is at an angular distance of 23½° S from the equator.
★The Tropic Of Cancer★
An important parallel latitude in the northern hemisphere. It is at angular distance of 23½° N from the equator.