Geography, asked by maitrigala, 1 year ago

which are the major water divides of indian giving example


Answered by ItsYoBoyVibhu
THE river water disputes in the four southern states are complex, compelling and have been the breeding ground for competitive chauvinism. No side may be guilty of outright distortion of facts but neither is anyone speaking the complete truth. Like the Japanese classic film Roshomon, in which murder is retold in a multitude of variations, each outsmarting the other, the story of how the waters should be shared is the subject of several flowing interpretations. While the unresolved Cauvery issue has reached its seasonal flashpoint, the Krishna river water crisis is also threatening to take a similar peril-ridden course. Though the differences could have been smoothened out, political compulsions have come in the way and a solution looks virtually impossible. The problem has acquired deep political overtones with former Karnataka chief minister Deve Gowda now donning the mantle of Prime Minister and his dependence on Tamil Nadu's DMK and the Moopanar Congress for survival.

Answered by Bonzo
The Satpura range is also a water divide. South of Narmada rift valley lies Satpura and Mahadev hills and both determine the direction of the flow of the rivers. Narmada River originates from north-eastern end of Satpura and runs in the depression between the Satpura and Vindhya ranges, draining the northern slope of the Satpura range, running west towards the Arabian Sea. The Tapti River originates in the eastern-central part of Satpura, crossing the range in the center and running west at the range's southern slopes before meeting the Arabian Sea at Surat, draining the central and southern slopes of the range. The Godavari River and its tributaries drain the Deccan plateau, which lies south of the range, and the Mahanadi River drains the easternmost portion of the range. The Godavari and Mahanadi rivers flow into the Bay of Bengal.

The Aravalli water divide trending NNE to SSW separates the Indus River basin of North West joined by Sutlej, Ravi, and Jhelum. Towards the east of Aravalli, Yamuna and Ganga and it's tributaries drain into the Bay of Bengal. The Ganga river system doesn't only drain the Himalayan rivers but also some peninsular rivers.Water divide is any elevated area such as a mountain or upland which separates two drainage basins.

The Western Ghats act as water divide. It separate east flowing rivers such as Godavari, Krishna, Mahanadi, Cauvery, Vaigai, Pennar which finds its way to Bay of Bengal from the west flowing rivers such as Periyar, Bharathappuzha, Pamba, Netravati, Sharavathi, Mandovi and Zuari which drains into the Arabian sea. The side of the western ghat which faces the Arabian sea has a steep slope while the other side has a gentle slope. This is the reason that the west flowing rivers lead to the formation of estuaries and water falls and east flowing rivers forms delta. Major waterfalls include Dudhsagar, Unchalli, Sathodi, Magod, Hogenakkal, Jog, Kunchikal, Shivanasamudra, Meenmutty Falls, Athirappilly Falls. Talakaveri. And the major tributaries of East flowing rivers include Kali, Bhadra, Bhavani, Bhima, Malaprabha, Ghataprabha, Hemavathi and Kabini.
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