Geography, asked by althafa1972, 11 months ago

Which environment function associated with the quotation "earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need , but not every man's greed"


Answered by gunashreedeepthi



It is a famous quote by Mahatma Gandhi. There is no doubt about how true this statement is and there are many ways one can prove it. The journey started after the creation of human being in this world. As man got matured he kept on inventing new things to get a better life. His wants were not restricted, desires were boundary less. If we see this in a broader perspective, all this happened because of greed. It is the greed which made him the richest man in the world, at the same time it is his greed that made the society unbalanced and unequal. He his not bothered about breaching the rules of nature for self-fulfillment. His desire of becoming bigger than others has changed the destiny of mankind.

For many of us who live in a land of abundance, greed is not a sin, it is not even considered wrong, instead we now live in a world where we have idolized greed and used all kind of glamorous names that make it fashionable and desirable. Being wealthy is not wrong it itself, but glorifying the desire for wealth is terribly wrong. Greed is a universal problem. The food distribution system in the world is a perfect example to support the above statement. Millions of people in the world are suffering from starvation because of lack of food. Some may say that is just a famine, a natural disaster that nobody has control of. Others say that there just isn’t food in the world to meet the needs of everyone. However if one comes to think of it carefully, is there really not enough food ? It is more than just a famine causing this unfairness. If every single person were to give a portion of their food that they do not need, surely there will be more than enough to go around to every human being living on this Earth. Of course, taking is much easier than giving. It is because of human greed that there is not enough food for everyone.

Man makes use of everything in their reach to satisfy his greed. One of the thing that contributes to man’s wealth and power is Earth’s own natural resources. Man, unfortunately has exploited these resources beyond the limit. When a country owns more resources they are automatically richer. They use and sell these resources to develop their country. The greed comes in when different countries compete with each other for more development. The deforestation which has taken place due to commercial exploitation of trees for timber,resin,medicinal herbs etc, the developing of new agricultural fields, over-grazing of animals, increase in population all had an adverse affect on environment and have brought about ecological imbalance. The main culprit is the GREED.

Man’s greed makes him to buy as many things as he wishes, which increase the waste the exploit the earth. Earth can degrade itself some of the bio-degradable waste material but when it comes to non-biodegradable, toxic and E-waste it cannot. Even the Earth itself is affected. Every individual has a responsibility in protecting the environment, if they are serious about leaving a world for the next generation to inherit. There is a need now to curb the unhealthy consumption that the world has become a slave to as there is a direct link between excessive production and environment degradation.

Man is still going on increasing is desires and greed and 2 questions are still left unanswered.

WILL MAN be able to find another planet in the Universe similar to Earth to migrate ?

WILL MAN be able to alter that planet to make it suitable for our living ?

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