English, asked by 26damianra, 15 days ago

Which is a text clue that helps readers understand the theme of age bringing wisdom in "Birdfoot's Grampa”?

Grampa stops the car many times and gets out.
Grampa walks into the grass to release the toads.
Grampa just smiles when Birdfoot argues with him.
Birdfoot notices the rain around his grandfather’s head.


Answered by myrakincsem

A text clue that helps readers understand the theme of age bringing wisdom in "Bird foot's Grampa" is:

Grampa walks into the grass to release the toads.

  • In the poem 'Birdfoot's Grampa', the old man makes effort to save the life of every frog that comes in their way.
  • As it was raining, many frogs came in their way. The old man picked them and released them into the grass. This showed the theme of wisdom behind the poem that ever life is important.


Answered by brokendreams
  • This is an example of a text clue, a type of insight that helps you understand the theme of "Birdfoot’s Grampa.”
  • Text clues can be as simple as a word, phrase, number, or abbreviation.
  • Text clues help you make connections between ideas and text, and also help you think about how the text is related to the theme.
  • When Birdfoot’s Grampa was a young man, he learned how to make bread, sew, preserve food, and make clothing.  
  • These skills are transferable to other jobs such as farming, construction, and other occupations.
  • During Birdfoot’s Grampa’s lifetime, two big events happened in the world.  
  • One was the end of the Civil War.
  • The other was the assassination of President Lincoln.
  • One of the first things Birdfoot’s Grampa did upon learning that he was going to be a grandpa was to switch to a habit of baking his own bread.


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